Dear Friend,
Greetings! What a crazy time it is! Coronavirus (COVID-19) fears are all around us, with lots of unknowns and questions that have no answers. I’m writing to give you some of my thoughts and recommendations as we navigate through this time successfully, staying safe and healthy.
First of all, what an ideal time to be on a top quality, state of the art nutrition plan! Nutrition matters now more than ever. Let’s focus on using nutrition for maximizing our health, strengthening our immune systems and minimizing our disease risks.
Here are 5 factors that actually make a difference and put you at lower risk for contracting the virus and/or surviving a viral infection without complications if it occurs. And yes, these are key priorities that I am embracing for my personal well-being:
1. Consume Your Disease-Fighting Essential Nutrients Daily!
Examples include Metabolism Essentials Multi Plus, Omega 3 Essentials, and Cal Mag Essentials. These 3 supplements help keep your immune system functioning at its peak by delivering essential vitamins, minerals, and essential oils! Proper intake of zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D are just a few of the nutrient factors that are known to be CRUCIAL for a healthy immune system. Nutrient deficiencies increase your risks of not only getting more infections, but also suffering complications from viral infections. Stay faithful to your plan!
2. Limit Sugars!
Sugar is a known “immune suppressant”. Sugar can partially paralyze your infection-fighting white blood cells for several hours. If you are on one of our nutrition plans, no worries. Our low sugar, protein rich meal replacements and recommended food plans support your immune system and limit your sugar intake!
3. Sleep Matters!
Adults need ~7.5 hours of sleep each night. If you are deficient, the immune system malfunctions and you put yourself at higher risk of catching respiratory infections.
4. Fitness Time Strengthens Muscles AND Your Immune System!
Getting activity that increases your heart rate mobilizes your white blood cells to circulate through your body looking for foreign invaders that need to be attacked and eliminated. Keep fitness time as a priority during this time of unknown exposures to COVID-19. Just 9+ minutes per day of getting sweaty, short of breath, and increasing your heart rate is enough to make a difference!
5. Breathe Fresh Air!
In your home and workplace, open windows on nice weather days, it may lower your risks of inhaling viral particles. In your vehicle, have your ventilation set to the fresh air (not recirculate) setting. Have the vehicle fan bring in fresh air for you.
On another note, here are some questions we’ve received lately from concerned patients:
“What about my weight loss plan with CFN? Should I expect any changes to my scheduled office visits?”
We do not anticipate any changes to your scheduled office visits. As a medical office, we understand how to minimize risks in an office setting. It’s what we already do and it comes naturally to us as physicians and nurses. We’ve recently added an additional layer of protective strategies in our offices to keep everyone safe. Please note that we do not allow our staff to work if they develop flu-like symptoms including a fever, cough and shortness of breath. Keeping our office safe and healthy for everyone is a priority for us.
If you happen to develop flu-like symptoms such as a fever, cough and shortness of breath, please notify us in advance of any appointments so we can reschedule your visit to our office at a time when you are well and free of symptoms. If you need products delivered to your home, or delivered curbside at our office, please let us know and we would be happy to accommodate you! Don’t let fears distract you from your health plan and goals, stay engaged.
“Do you foresee any problem in coming weeks with obtaining my favorite meal replacements and vitamin supplements as a result of COVID-19 issues?”
At this time, we are well supplied with all of your recommended meal replacements and supplements. We are not aware of any specific challenges with keeping products on hand. However, we are dependent on our manufacturers for securing things such as product boxes, bottles, labels, and all of our top quality ingredients. Then, shipping methods, usually involving long distance trucking, is the final variable to receive products. There is the possibility of backorders on some of our products in coming weeks. If you have favorite products, we recommend that you be proactive and stock up. Make sure you have two to three weeks or more of your preferred meal replacements and key supplements on hand until things return to normal.
“What if I can’t make my appointment due to a flu-type illness, is there a way to have products delivered?”
Remember, you can always go to our online store and order any of your products at any time. For the best service and pricing, choose the Auto Supply (Auto Discount & Delivery) option. Not only will you get an Automatic 10% Discount, you will also be on our Priority Shipping List for supplying products directly to your doorstep on a scheduled delivery plan.
If you are a typical CFN client, you’ve already experienced major health improvements through weight control, excellent nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle. Your risks have already improved! Keep up the good work!
Blessings of Health to you!
Rick Tague, M.D., M.P.H. & T.M.