Protecting Our Brains as We Age Alzheimer’s Dementia is the sixth leading cause of death, and one of the most feared of diseases. As the average age increases, Alzheimer’s dementia and other forms of memory loss are becoming more common and more of a concern. Now more than ever, American’s brains tend to malfunction before we are finished with them. ... Continue
Healthy Aging Articles
Healthy Habits: What you do habitually determines your health eventually…
One of four diseases will likely kill each of us reading this. I call these diseases the “Deadly 4”. They take the lives of most Americans, yet these diseases are mostly PREVENTABLE! The “Deadly 4” Diseases are: Heart Disease Cancer Brain Disease: Stroke and Alzheimer’s Diabetes Type 2 ... Continue
Fitness Time: Transforming Health & Metabolism in just 9 minutes a day
You and I have something in common. We want great bodies that are fit, trim, and healthy! And, we are willing to invest time and energy to make it happen. Being fit gives us the ability to perform fun activities and pursue many adventures. In fact, every day becomes more enjoyable if we are fit. Daily activities, like house chores, shopping, climbing stairs, grocery ... Continue
Chromium GTF – A True Mineral Miracle!
What if there was a simple, inexpensive mineral supplement that would work for weight loss, lower appetite, lower body fat, and lower blood sugars? What if you also knew that Americans have a 90% chance of being deficient on this essential mineral, especially if you are overweight? Would you be interested? I suspect you would. Please read on... ... Continue
Sleep…. A Key to Weight Loss, Energy, and Health
Sleep... what a waste of time.... or is it? Psalms says it this way, “It is vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.” In the midst of our busy lives and “productivity” we seem to have forgotten the ancient wisdom of getting adequate rest. Modern research tells us that the psalmist was right! Sleep is a ... Continue
Prostate Health: 10 Strategies To Lower Your Risk (or the risk of those you love!)
Prostate problems are one of the most common and bothersome medical problems of men as they age. In fact, current trends are that most men will develop BOTH an enlarged prostate AND cancer of the prostate if they live long enough. The older we become, the greater the risk. Applying research-based strategies to protect the prostate as we age is possible and an ounce of ... Continue
Coffee: 5 Hidden Benefits on Mental and Physical Health
I always look forward to my morning cup of coffee. Warm, comforting, and energizing, all in one! And now it tastes even better, knowing the health benefits. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in America, with over 150,000,000 daily consumers. But it has not arrived at its current level of popularity without some controversy along the way. Is coffee good for us or ... Continue
Meal Replacements: A Powerful Key to Weight Loss
For the first time in history, our world has more overweight people than underweight! Diseases of calorie excess, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and many cancers are skyrocketing. As a result, many of us will not live as long as our parents. Simply put, our food is killing us! And once the above diseases strike, regaining health may be ... Continue
Joints: 3 Strategies To Make Them Last A Lifetime
“My joints hurt...” is one of the most common and disabling concerns I hear from my patients. Pain with every step or just getting out of a chair is certainly demotivating when it comes to being more active. Unfortunately, after too many years of not getting proper care and support, the joints start making their complaint known with pain. In effect, the joints are saying, ... Continue
Sodas: Tasty, Addictive, and Deadly!
One of the most common nutrition questions I am asked is, “Dr. Tague, what do you think about sodas?” As a recovering diet cola addict myself, I sympathize with “users”. But the facts are accumulating. Be very afraid of sodas, including the diet versions. Let me explain... ... Continue
Do You Love “Wrong Foods”?
One of the curiosities in America is WHY so many people are overweight. We all know that excess weight is damaging to health, self-esteem, relationships, and the pocketbook. So why don’t more people simply decide to lose weight and be done with it? After all, we’re the nation that first put a man on the moon. We are perhaps the most productive, knowledgeable, and capable group ... Continue
4 Reasons NOT to Lose Weight
“Shall I lose weight or not?” The answer to this question is often THE ANSWER that will determine one’s health and weight destiny. The logical answer often is a definite “YES, absolutely I will lose weight!” However, in reality, the answer for most Americans is “No, not right now.” Let’s look at some of the reasons: Why people “Just Say No” to weight loss: Reason #1: “Weight ... Continue
How To Sabotage Your Metabolism… Without doing a thing!
Americans are feeling tired and they are gaining “unwanted” weight at alarming rates. Maybe you are an exception. I hope so. But, if you are at least 30 years of age, you likely have gained weight “against your will”. Think back to age 21. What was your weight? Has it changed? If you are typical, it is up ½ to 1 pound (or more) for each year. ... Continue
Blueberries: Nature’s Gift for Health
When it comes to blueberries, I consider them one of nature’s true jewels. These beautiful berries are a delight to the eyes, delicious, and have healing powers that make them one of nature’s top “super foods”. And, if you haven’t kept up with the latest information on blueberries, you may be missing out on one of the tastiest medicinals on the planet. ... Continue
3 Ways Vitamin Deficiencies Cause Weight Gain
Did you know that 100% of Americans, eating common American foods, are NOT getting recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals? Did you know that those same Americans who obtain the lowest amounts of vitamins and minerals gain the most weight? Both of these facts have been proven through research, and they are not going to change any time soon. ... Continue
Stress: The Health “Terminator”
Stress... We feel it frequently, and, if we are honest, we often accidentally “invite it” into our lives. Yet one thing is certain.... no one likes stress! I suspect you have felt unwanted stress in your life this week. Think about it... Maybe it has been every day this week? Or, perhaps you are the rare individual who has managed life so well that unwanted stress stays at a ... Continue
Choosing a Weight Loss Plan: Keys for Success if…. “I’ve just got to lose 40 Pounds”
I overheard a revealing father to son comment while eating breakfast out recently. I couldn’t help but hear the family of 3 at the table next to me. Both parents were overweight by 40+ pounds, as was the 20 year old son. The mother was discussing that she was only on one medication. “I am so thankful” she said. The son replied, “Yes, but I don’t take any medicine.” The ... Continue
Popular Post: “Early Death” and Why The Battle is Personal
Periodically, we repost our most popular articles for new readers and for review. I miss my dad. He was a great man who, at the age of 82, died too early. He had a difficult childhood, to say the least, and that probably had something to do with it. Growing up during the Great Depression, Dad was forced to leave school after the 8th grade; he was needed at home to help ... Continue
Multivitamins, Minerals and Optimum Health… Why I Still Take Mine
I found myself scratching my head this week at the following news headline: “Multivitamin researchers say ‘case is closed’ after studies find no health benefits.” Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater! The powerful statement was obviously intended to discourage us from using nutritional supplements as part of our personal nutrition plan. After hearing the ... Continue
Overcome Fatigue: 5 Strategies for Creating Energy
Fatigue is truly epidemic! Almost without exception, when I interview patients, it becomes apparent that energy levels are just not what they should be. The onset of the fatigue has typically been subtle, and it has then worsened over time. I’ve observed that fatigue has become a new epidemic, while it was relatively uncommon 30 years ago. What has changed? And what can we do ... Continue