You may not have thought about it, but weight loss has some amazing “side effects”. We all know that medications have side effects, some of them life threatening. And that is true of common prescriptions for common conditions. Since we typically associated “side effects” with prescription medications, let’s consider some common current examples: ... Continue
Healthy Aging Articles
Vitamin C: Nutrition “Hero”
Fatigue, easy bruising, dental problems, joint pain, bleeding gums, and even death were common among British sailors in the 1700’s. The symptoms were easily prevented, however, by eating lemons and limes. The sailors, later called “Limeys”, were suffering from vitamin C deficiency, later known as scurvy. ... Continue
Coconut Oil: Tropical Treasure for Health
“Eating fat is bad for you.” “Saturated fat causes heart attacks.” “Oils are bad for you, avoid them like the plague.” Likely you’ve heard these statements from well-meaning people, perhaps even from physicians. I say... “Not so fast....” The latest research has some surprising news regarding fats and oils, and many medical “hard facts” are being thrown out as a result. The ... Continue
Weight Loss Success: Why Meal Replacements?
For the first time in history, our world has more overweight people than underweight! Diseases of calorie excess, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and many cancers are skyrocketing. As a result, many of us will not live as long as our parents. Simply put, our food is just not working for us! And with any of the above conditions, regaining health can be ... Continue
Olive Oil: Lubricant for Life!
Olive oil... You’ve heard that it is really good for you, but how? And does it make that much of a health difference? Does it need to be a certain type? Isn’t olive oil just a fancy type of fat and to be avoided? These are just some of the questions I’ve received regarding olive oil. This article is written to bring clarity on the confusion. And, you need to know why olive oil ... Continue
Why “Fad” Diets Failed My Patients… Strategize for Success!
I’ve seen thousands of patients who have previously “failed” to achieve meaningful results using popular fad diets. In fact, the failure of “fad” diets to solve my patients’ struggles has been so troublesome to me that it has caused a great deal of contemplation and reflection over the years. And, many times, I’ve lost sleep over the very common and extremely dangerous problem ... Continue
Blood Pressure Control by Healing your Blood Vessels!
Over 1,000 people will die in the U.S. today and every day this year from uncontrolled high blood pressure! An elevated blood pressure of 140/90 or higher, known as hypertension, is a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes, two of the “Deadly 4” killers in America. High blood pressure is also associated with such scary things as impaired memory, slower thinking, ... Continue
Fish Oil, Prostate Cancer, and Optimum Health… Why I Still Eat Fish and Take My Omega-3’s
I couldn’t help but wonder at the “fish oil and prostate cancer” headlines this week that were apparently intended to “scare” men from eating fish and taking fish oil. The research details being proclaimed, that fish oil is associated with prostate cancer risk has been debated before, but I consider the emphatic fears being communicated both new AND unbalanced. Even previous ... Continue
Nutrition, Supplements, and Health
“As long as I cut my calories, does it otherwise matter WHAT I eat?” “Do I need vitamins and minerals?” “Do nutritional supplements really work?” “Is there a nutritional option to my prescription medications?” “If I simply take a ‘one a day’ multivitamin, isn’t that enough?” “My friends are getting cancer and heart disease, can I improve my chances with nutrition?” These are ... Continue
Metabolism: Does a Sluggish Metabolism Cause Weight Gain?
We hear the word “metabolism” frequently. And, if yours is “sluggish”, it likely impacts you daily. Although we have a general sense of what metabolism is and how it affects us, few people can accurately define it. Metabolism can be thought of as the body’s chemical processes that allow 3 crucial aspects of life to occur: Energy for body activity and body heat to stay ... Continue
Burning Fat vs. Muscle Loss
Any number of fad diets promise quick and easy weight loss. A pound of body fat has 3,500 calories. On average, women tend to burn about 1,800 calories per day, men about 2,800. If you’re dieting on your own, it’s recommended you lose no more than a pound or two a week; someone who is significantly overweight and on a medically supervised program might lose three to four pounds ... Continue