Helping Patients in Kansas City & Topeka Lose Weight & Keep It Off for Over 25 Years
We’re glad you made the choice to start the process that will put you back in control of your weight and health!
The Tague Approach™ to Weight Loss Treatment
You already know that losing weight and keeping it off is a tough challenge, one of the hardest things that someone could be asked to do. What you may not know is that there are actually many medical reasons for being overweight.
Your body is a complex system which is affected by many variables, including biochemical and metabolic factors – and YOUR body is unique to YOU. We need to learn more about you before we can help you solve the problem.
See How Our Weight Loss Treatment Plans Work
Obviously, the types of food you’re eating can influence your weight, but likely there are hormonal or genetic factors effecting your weight also. Perhaps you have a food craving disorder. Maybe you’re eating too much due to excessive hunger, or maybe your previous diets have actually slowed your metabolism. Perhaps its environmental factors such as pesticides and chemicals that are sabotaging your healthy lifestyle. Many of our overweight patients are found to be malnourished when starting our program.
First Step: Your Free Initial Consultation »
* Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence. Featured patient success stories did not receive promotional consideration.