Andy lost 78 lbs in 6 months.
How has being a patient of Dr. Tague’s Nutrition Solutions program affected your life?
Losing weight has never been easier. I don’t have to meal prep or count calories. I follow the plan and it’s just that easy.
Tell us about any sense of renewed energy or vitality?
I don’t feel tired all the time. I don’t strain doing normal activities, and I just feel better about my appearance.
In what ways has your health improved?
My blood pressure is down, I no longer use a CPAP and I’m able to jog and run on a treadmill.
What changes have others in your life noticed?
I have always been a “biggy” so the first thing people notice is how much weight I’ve lost.
What tips for Success would you share with other individuals starting the program?
I’d tell them everything you’re feeling when are you hungry? For what? Why? They (Center for Nutrition) will adapt the plan for your success.
What did you appreciate about the Center for Nutrition care?
They have a specific way to address any food or appetite issue you are having. Very responsive to patient needs.