Carla lost 85 lbs in 21 weeks.
How has being a patient of Dr. Tague’s Nutrition Solutions program affected your life?
Feel so much healthier, happier, full of energy.
Tell us about any sense of renewed energy or vitality?
Exercise, feel younger, less tired. Have begun working with trainer, ride bikes, walk.
In what ways has your health improved?
I was pre-diabetic for many years and just crossed the line from diabetic to no longer diabetic.
What changes have others in your life noticed?
Look happy, healthy, more energy.
Which Meal Replacement was your favorite? Why?
Bars and shakes. I love to grab and go!
What tips for Success would you share with other individuals starting the program?
Stick with it, go at your own pace. I was in mindset to loose weight and stuck with it.
What did you appreciate about the Center for Nutrition?
Support of staff.
Do you have any additional comments you’d like to share?
This was my last resort before doing surgery for weight loss. This was so much better than I ever thought it could be.