Marcy lost 90 lbs in 14 months.
How has being a patient of Dr. Tague’s Nutrition Solutions program affected your life?
Increased energy and improved outlook on life. Feel more positive and equipped to handle stressors.
Tell us about any sense of renewed energy or vitality?
The deep feelings of fatigue has vanished. I feel more like myself. I can do whatever I set my mind to.
In what ways has your health improved?
Labs are all normal, hunger is controlled, mental and physical health overall improved.
What changes have others in your life noticed?
Energy and confidence.
Which Meal Replacement was your favorite? Why?
Vanilla Wafer is a great treat and particularly filling.
What tips for Success would you share with other individuals starting the program?
Develop a routine, write it down and commit to sticking to it for 30 days. Habits form quickly, a 30 day commitment is the largest hurdle!
What did you appreciate about the Center for Nutrition?
The structure and customization to my needs.