Unwanted weight gain is a real bother. Gaining just 15 lbs is enough to increase one’s risk of ugly things like cancer and heart disease. A few extra pounds can also impact our appearance, our self-confidence, our energy level, and even whether or not our clothes fit. Truly, no one wants to be overweight. It can be painful, frustrating, and downright depressing! For weight ... Continue
Weight Loss & Obesity Articles
Manage The 1%”… and stop unwanted weight gain in its tracks!
Think about it... calories are the ONLY source of power for humans. You see, energy is stored in food as “calories”. When calories are consumed, they energize human metabolism and human function for all sorts of activities. Whether building muscle and bone, thinking thoughts, growing hair, fighting disease-causing viruses and bacteria, or running a marathon, only calories can ... Continue
21 Compelling Reasons for Weight Loss… And why it is “Worth It”
Being at a healthy weight is a “must” for Optimum Health. This fact is no longer debated. And you know that to be true from experience. If our body starts storing too much weight (body fat), there will be negative health consequences. On the other hand, once that weight starts coming off, health often improves quickly and dramatically. I’ve seen this with thousands of ... Continue
Power Factor to be Trim, Healthy, and “Satisfied”
Did you know that weight gain, an excessive appetite, high cholesterol, high blood sugars, heart disease, and diabetes have a common nutritional deficiency? The deficiency is present in over 90% of Americans and is related to fiber. It is a true epidemic, and almost every American is a victim! High fiber foods like oat bran, beans, rice bran, barley, citrus fruits, and berries ... Continue
Achieving Optimum Health
You and I have a common goal, and it is all about you. We both want to... “Achieve and Maintain YOUR Optimum Health!” I use the term “Optimum Health” frequently. After all, health matters. And when it comes to something as important as your health, mediocrity and compromise have no place. Optimum Health is an extremely valuable and “necessary” goal, so let’s define it: ... Continue
Protein… The Dieter’s Friend
Protein... I call it the “Dieter’s Friend”. Did you know that dietary protein is ESSENTIAL for health? Literally, we cannot live without it. If you are protein deficient, your energy, strength, endurance, appearance, and even your immune system are not at their potential. Lean meat, dairy, eggs, and soy are just a few of the common foods that are good sources of quality ... Continue
Is Your Sluggish Metabolism Causing Weight Gain?
Originally published 6/4/13, this article has been updated and reposted due to its popularity and importance for Optimum Health. Do you have a “sluggish” metabolism? If so, it impacts you daily. After all, your metabolism is the driving force for 3 crucial aspects of life: Energy production from food and/or body fat Life functions (breathing, heart beating, and ... Continue
Give Me Your Breakfast
You’ve likely heard before that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” But do you know why it is true? In many ways, breakfast sets the energy and metabolism “tone” for the day. Will this be a day of high energy, muscle building, and feel good brain chemistry? Or, a day of fatigue, excessive food cravings, and a sluggish, fat-storing metabolism? ... Continue
Research Proof… Diets Make People Hungry! Strategize For Success!
A recent research article amused me. The researchers wanted to see if people got hungry while dieting. (I could have saved them some time on that question.) The diet reduced daily calories by 25% for 4 days. Then they measured appetite drive, the wanting of food, and cravings. After the 4-day diet, they let people eat as much as they wanted. Imagine eating just ¾ of what you ... Continue
The Biggest Losers’ Lesson: The “Metabolism Dilemma”
"The Biggest Loser" has been a wildly popular reality TV show. Personally, I hurt for the contestants who never wanted to gain weight in the first place, and now have to put superhuman effort in to losing it. They just don't seem to get the medical support that could increase their success and limit their pain. ... Continue
Battling the “Blues”…Naturally!
Note: This article was originally published in May 2015. Due to the interest, it has recently been updated and reposted. The opinions expressed by Dr. Tague are not meant as medical advice. Please see your physician for personal recommendations. I hate feeling depressed! After all, feeling down can ruin a perfectly good day! "Mood management” is one of my personal priorities, ... Continue
Self-Discipline for Weight Loss: Does it work?
Over 20,000 men, women, and children have sought help for weight loss at the Center for Nutrition. Included in that group have been some of the most "successful" individuals in the region. Bankers, physicians, trial attorneys, CEO’s of corporations, health educators, dietitians, professional athletes, and politicians have all been patients of mine, typically showing up with a ... Continue
Appetite Control: 4 Simple Strategies
Ever wonder why some people eat more than others? And why do we, at times, eat more than we should, even to the point of stomach discomfort? The answer lies in a simple word, "appetite", which can be defined as follows: Appetite: A desire (longing, craving, felt need) for a food or drink. Any motivation to consume a food or drink that contains calories. In fact, appetite is ... Continue
Avoiding “Early Death” with 3 Simple Strategies!
My first “real job” as a physician was working in a busy emergency room where patients were regularly transported when they were at or near “death”. I saw fast deaths, slow deaths, natural deaths, violent deaths, intentional deaths, and, most disturbingly, very unnecessary and unwanted “early” deaths. Most of these early deaths were caused by what I call “The Deadly 4”. These ... Continue
Sugar Calories: Easy to Eat, Hard to Burn!
Ever notice how children (and adults) LOVE their sweet treats? Sweets can be a fantastic motivator! “Clean your room, and I’ll give you a piece of candy.” Or, “Stop fighting with your sister, and you can have some ice cream.” For us adults, there is a reason every gas station now dispenses as much sugar as gasoline (sodas, candy, chocolate, cookies, cakes, ice cream, and more)! ... Continue
22 Surprising “Side Effects” of Weight Loss…
Not only does weight loss feel great and look great, it has other amazing “side effects”, and likely ones that you have not considered. In fact, the side effects from weight loss are so life-changing and positive, once you read them, you’ll be more convinced than ever that losing excess body weight is simply the right thing to do! ... Continue
Optimum Health: Two Prerequisites
You are reading this because you are a “seeker” of Optimum Health. In fact, you and I have a common goal, and that goal is to... “Achieve and Maintain YOUR Optimum Health!” I use the term “Optimum Health” frequently. After all, health matters. And when it comes to something as important as your health, mediocrity and compromise have no place. Your Optimum Health is an ... Continue
Energy Plus: 3 Reasons It’s #1
When I formulated Energy Plus in 2013, little did I know that it would quickly become our most popular nutritional supplement! Americans want and need more energy! External forces are draining us of energy like never before. In my 30 year career, I’ve never had so many patients with excessive fatigue. It’s understandable... ... Continue
Unwanted Weight Gain: Why does it happen?
The Real Answer May Surprise You! Have you ever met anyone who wanted to gain an excessive, unhealthy amount of weight? Of course not! In fact, excessive weight gain is one of the most unwanted of medical problems. ... Continue
Vitamin Quality: It Matters When Your Health is at Stake
Vitamins and other supplements are common around the world for a good reason. Humans are not very good at consuming the recommended vitamins and minerals. We need help! For example: 75% of women are magnesium deficient, with risk of fatigue, insomnia, weight gain. 85% of those with obesity are vitamin D deficient, with risk of fatigue, weight gain, depression. 90% of ... Continue